Can we really believe Pakistan on its accusation that there was no Surgical Strike taken place by India? And that this is just a Hoax and/or Propaganda created by the Indian media and Government to give fake assurance that its fighting back against terrorist activity from Pakistan to its people?
Some go even as far to say that its been "proven" even by the international media that the Surgical Strike is a hoax and is fake. This claim is completely false however because of not the fact that what statement it declares but rather that it has no solid base to begin with.
Lets take a look. When you're saying "media proved this, media proved that", your claim is already turned into the wrong direction. Think about it for a second. What is the international media to india? Channels like BBC, CNN, etc... are considered the international media. In simpler words International media is news producers/reporters that are foreign to India. That includes channels like I said BBC, CNN and etc....(these 2 are ran by Britain and U.S.A). What is the sole purpose of media? To report current events, and alert people about the situations taking place around the world. Now most News medias are independent from the government of their country. They are private businesses in most cases and the government has less or no control over them because they are ran like a business. These "News Medias" (News businesses) are view hungry. Popularity is their satisfaction. So they will open up and stoop to any level to get their News Media to stay on top. This refers to almost any News Media out there.
Now lets go back for a moment. Pakistan has always lied, is lying, and will lie about anything that is said or done against them. History has proven this as a fact. When Pakistan calls in the media to say "hey look there was no surgical strike here by India, put this on your news", these popularity hungry channels just report what they have been shown. Pakistan could've easily called them in at a different place and fooled them. International Media figuring that a country opposing country news could end up going viral, they don't care for evidence. I mean you can call them to your backyard and say i found a dinosaur bone under the soil. Without question, realizing the news could go viral, they will arrive and make a news on this. Thats just how media works.
Here is a great video by an AajTak Journo that replies back to all who are calling the Surgical Strike done by India, Hoax :
~ Rani
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