You are 99% empty space !
Cells aren't the smallest thing in your body. What???....
Yes in fact each individual cells are made up of thousands of little particles known to humans as atoms.
The elements in any object in the world are composed of atoms, and those atoms also make up your entire body.
Yes in fact each individual cells are made up of thousands of little particles known to humans as atoms.
The elements in any object in the world are composed of atoms, and those atoms also make up your entire body.
Believe it or not an atom has more space then substance. What do I mean? Well let me tell you in numbers. 1% of every atom is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Yes only 1%. The other 99% is empty space.
To put this in perspective, imagine at atom the size of a football stadium. Place an orange in the center to represent the approximate size of the nucleus. You would then place pinheads around the stadium to act as electrons.
To put how small the proton at the center of an atom is into perspective, if an atom were the size of the earth, the proton at its center would be about 200 meters (600 feet) across. While I wouldn't want something that big landing on my head, it's tiny compared to the size of the earth.
These are the building blocks of our world and yet they contain very little substance.
In fact, if the space was eliminated and the matter condensed the entire human race (7 billion people) would fit in a sugar cube.
It may not be what the Buddha had in mind when he spoke of emptiness, but it is still a weighty subject for reflection.
~ Rani Jha
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wow just learned something new....great work mam