Aloe vera is one of the many herbs that offer multiple benefits. It can help improve blood circulation and digestion, and it's great for detoxification. Among other things, this plant is renowned for its excellent skin-soothing and healing properties. It's especially useful for burns, sunburns, irritation, allergies and even acne. This humble plant that's found in many people's backyards or flowerpots can be easily processed to create a simple yet effective facial mask to treat acne and soothe inflammation that causes redness."
So lets learn few tips & tricks to rejuvenate you skin and hair step by step.
1. Healthy & Renewing
Aloe vera gel is an excellent hair rejuvenator. Take a leaf, cut it lengthwise into half and take out the gel from inside.
Blend this with 1egg and 2-3tsp olive oil. Now apply into the scalp and hair.
Cover with a hot towel for 10 minutes and shampoo after 30 - 40 minutes.
Do this process once or twice a week, you will notice that your hair fall has reduced and your hair has started to look healthier and conditioned.
2. Nourishing Hair
Aloe vera makes a wonderful hair nourishing paste. You can add 2tsp of the gel to the following :-
1 mashed avocado
1 egg
2tsp honey
1tsp triphala.
Mix all these ingredients well and use all over your scalp and hair. Cover with a shower cap and leave on for a minimum of one hour.
Cover with a shower cap and leave on for a minimum of one hour.
This will soften and nourish the most damaged and driest of hair and promote a healthier hair growth.
3. Blemish Repair
If your skin is looking dull and discoloured, aloe vera is an excellent ingredient to reduce blemishes.
Take 1tsp of aloe vera gel and mix it with 2tsp mashed papaya and 1tsp full fat cream milk.
4. Anti-Ageing
Aloe vera has anti-aging properties and is known to make the skin youthful. I would suggest that for those of you who are experiencing lines, wrinkles and a dull looking skin, make the following mask. Here are the ingredients you will need to make the face mask:
1 egg white, beaten till peaks
3tsp aloe vera gel
2tsp china clay ( Kaoline clay)
2tsp almond paste
1tsp fresh cream
~ Rani
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